Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bath product Line

So, I have been somewhat busy lately. I have set up my website which carries all of my be pampered products, salts, lotions, cleansers, you name it. In addition I activated my bonanza booth The one thing I have done at the bonanza booth which wont be found at my Be Pampered site, is that I added a way under gifts for you to build your own gift box. You pick your basket and contents, and then I make it pretty for you. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the build a basket process. Anyways, as far as my diet and exercise have been going, well there could be improvement. So I am getting back on track and will be starting a new exercise regimine, not to mention I absolutely must make an effort and truly push myself, so that I can complete and hopefully/possibly win my Body For Life challenge.
I will post again tomorrow.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bob Harpers Inside Out all I can say is wow

I came across this on twitter and thought I would check it out. I spend a decent amount of time on my core and was struggling about 3/4's of the way into this. To be honest, just between us if I had to go on any further with it, it just may have brought me to tears. You can definitely feel this and I am planning to work this in to some of my routines, thanks Bob. You guys try it out and let me know what you think. you can find this at my trainer bob, along with many others video's geared to provide a great workout.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Please let me survive yoga

This morning I had a friend, Adrian give me a call, all excited about a free yoga class on Fridays. So while Adrian was going on and on about how great it would be, I was trying to some how drink my morning coffee so that I can attempt to at least half way manage some excitement for her. Low and behold I, in the mist of my coffee/yoga exchange agreed that it would be fun to go together.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for trying new things, especially if I can try it in the name of exercise, however  I have always been a little hesitant when it comes to yoga, mainly because I'm just not quite that limber. I actually have a yoga tape and any time I have attempted it, well it just never really worked out for me.
One thing about this class is that I will at least have someone there to help out if needed. So I guess Friday I will be in several positions, and hopefully will come out in one piece, we'll see. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun, I'll post an update after the class and let you know how great or not so great I did.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Farewell to fast food

Their are many reasons that a person might choose to boycott something. My reasons for boycotting fast food are pretty simple and yet typical. To start with I found myself slowly increasing the amount of times that I opted for fast food instead of cooking a healthy yet tasty dinner. Which needless to say slowly increased my caloric intake however, that wasn't what I found to be damaging. The damaging part was that my stomach over time was stretching.
My stomach in fact had stretched to the point, that when I had went on my first diet and tried to eat less I felt as if I were starving, when in fact I was eating the exact amount that I should have been eating. This starving feeling had eventually led me to a parade of fad diets. In truth, I had probably lost and gained over 200 pounds.
So awhile back I had woke up and realized that some changes had to be made, though this time instead of jumping in head first I made one change at a time, my first change was to avoid fast food. I have lost my weight consistently 1.5-2 pounds a week, through healthy eating choices and hard work. It hasn't all been easy for there were many times when I just wanted a quick bite handed to me through a window. Though I passed them on by and went home and had a quick bite that provided well balanced nutrition.
One memory I have that I cherish to this day, is the day I was running errands and an old familiar scent entered my car window and I was suddenly disgusted by the smell. I remember thinking, when did that happen, when exactly did that smell that used to draw me in become repulsive? I'm not sure exactly when it happened, though I am very thankful that it did.

The Coupon Posse': 2 FREE Protein QuestBar Samples!

2 free protein bars
came across this site pretty simple, request sample and I believe the actual form was on the 4th page, simple form though. if you are interested check them out.

The Coupon Posse': 2 FREE Protein QuestBar Samples!

Friday, November 19, 2010

12 week cookbook challenge

So I bought a new cookbook and recieved one for free, I actually only wanted the one I bought so I thought I would place the extra up for grabs. Here's the details:

1 All contestants must log there progress each week
2 weight loss is calculated by total percentage, not actual pounds
3At the end of 12 weeks, I will announce the winner
4 winner must email me, with where they would like the book sent.

Also I will be in this contest, however I can't win my own contest, so if I happen to be lucky enough to come in first, by default 2nd place will win.

Prize: The Cooking Light Way to Cook.

What about that one free meal

After working all week at eating right and optimizing my fitness level, I sometimes find it hard to have my one free meal. Do any of you struggle with giving yourself a free meal? Sometimes I eat a whole bagel and convince myself that, that should be a free meal, then there are other times when I can actually partake in a slice of pizza or a burger or even chocolate.
I have however found that my craving for chocolate has decreased, knowing that every once in a while I can have my Hershey's, without the side of guilt. It sometimes makes me wonder how eating became associated with guilt for so many people. Was it media related, our own inner thoughts, our parents? I imagine it's different or maybe a little of all reasons for each individual, as for me, I am starting to honestly say goodbye to my guilt. Don't forget guys, it's Friday which means new recipes will be up later tonight, so come back and check them out, also please comment or follow if you like.